{this moment} - A Friday ritual. A single photo - no words - capturing a moment from the week. A simple, special, extraordinary moment. A moment I want to pause, savor and remember.
Participating in SouleMama's {this moment}.
Participating in SouleMama's {this moment}.
ouch :)
Woof! Woof! I'm Sugar ... Ouchie!!! Lots of Golden Woofs, Sugar
Here's my {this moment}
so funny! what a precious photo!
have a wonderful weekend!
You made me smile. TGIF & hAve a wonderful weekend!
UGGGG This looks like it hurts!!!
oh owwwww that looks very painful!
P.S. Can't wait to see your design in the next Knitscene!
Oh, love it! Reminds me of when Ali was brand new and Katie was 2. At nap time, Kate would always sneak out of bed and into my room with my makeup bag, crouching on the floor on the far side of the bed, and oh my goodness with the blush and the eyeshadow!! Precious memories, indeed.
; )
Ha ha! Your moment made me smile!
Stopping by via Soule Mama....
hahaha! It totally looks like a torture device! ;)
Ut oh. She's on her way! ;) Before you know it, she'll KNOW how to use one of those. Great photo! :)
Oh my GOD I love this photo. Once again, cutest. child. EVER. GREAT photo!!
ouch!! :)
Thanks for stopping by in my blog. Have a nice weekend.
Okay, this is the best moment ever!!
Hahahah. So freakin cute!
looks agonizing, but precious!
That looks painful, but oh so cute!
Hehe she's starting early :)
to paraphrase that line from A Christmas Story: "you'll put your eye out!"
How cute! And those things are torture devices, so it looks like she knows what she's doing.
I think she knows how to use that thing better than I do..
omg. i hope this ended okay!
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