The day after we came back home, Melody and I woke up with a cold. Just a small annoying runny nose type cold. By the end of the week, my throat was a bit sore. Then on the next day, New Year's Day, I woke up with Laryngitis. I was not pleased to start the New Year off like this. Since then, I have been a mess. Coughing all night long from the congestion, sinus headaches from being congested, not being able to breathe through my nose when I am sleeping because of the congestion and having that deep croaking voice which no one can understand.
My beverage of choice has been lots of ginger and honey with tea or hot water. The one good thing is that I have been exploring the many varieties of honeys. The Tasmanian Leatherwood Honey above is fantastic. Though these specialty honeys are way more expensive than the standard Clover, Orange Blossom or Honey Bear Bottle honeys from the supermarket, it's nice to treat yourself when you are feeling like crap.
I have been drinking my delicious concoctions with the new mug that my sister got me for Christmas. See that Canon camera lens in the background? It's actually a mug! It even has a lens cap to keep your beverage hot. I love it. You can get a Canon or Nikon one from
Another present from my sister is the
Sundara Holiday Gift Set. 3 skeins of Aran Silky Merino in the purple family. It makes me happy just to see the beautiful colors sitting on my desk. I can't help but pet it every time I walk by.

These 3 books arrived on my doorstep this morning. I can't wait to look through them. They are from my awesome friend, Jennifer, who also happens to be a top notch book editor. Boy, did these cheer me up this morning. Melody came down with a fever 3 days ago and has been extremely sick. We finally got rid of her fever and then the coughing and congestion started. She has been very sensitive and needy because she feels horrible. I haven't had much sleep due to caring for her at night because she wakes up crying from the coughing and congested sinuses. And when I do get to sleep, I cough all night. DH couldn't be immune to all of this forever and he finally complained of a sore throat the other night. Luckily, he seems to be recovering faster than any of us. Ever since I was a child, I have always had a weak immune system. So it's not surprising that I was the first one to get sick and probably will be the last one to recover.
I hope you all have a wonderful weekend, germ free of course.
awww, feel better soon! LOVE the mug and beautiful yarn!! At least you've got some good books to browse while you are recuperating.
Yikes! I'm sorry ya'll are so sick over there. That's definitely been going around. Luckily we managed to come through the holidays unscathed. Those books do look like tons of fun to run through.. Enjoy them! That mug is awesome! I need to get one of those!
Wow, that mug is SO cool! What a brilliant idea. I hope you all get well soon, being sick is really the pits. Take care of your little babe!
Aw that really is a crappy way to start off the year. I hope it passes by soon. Love all your goodies, especially that cup! So cool! I just bought Modern Top Down from a destash and am eagerly awaiting its arrival.
Sounds like the same ugly mess that spoiled our holidays. No fair!
I hope it clears out of your home asap.
Be well.
Just think of it as getting the worst part over with first - it can only get better, right? Hope you're all better soon!
I hope you are all better soon. Isabelle has recovered from her sore throat and tummy bug that she had New Year's Eve thank goodness but I have been noticing she is having more naps, but that is probably due to the hot weather. Gargling salty water helps with a sore throat and also eating toast if it is itchy. I have to say that purply yarny goodness is beautiful!
how did your houseguest manage to escape unscathed? thank you for all the love and support, while managing the coughing and congestion!
Sorry you're not feeling well! Hope y'all recover quickly. I'm worried because I'm working this weekend and have started feel the beginnings of a cold coming on. Thanks for the mug info! I'm totally ordering one of those soon. You know how I feel about coffee mugs. :)
Good honey and fun books are great healers!
Oh, I love that mug so much, it's just so clever! I've never known anyone who had one before- Good to know they're not all just for show.
Hope you're feeling better asap!
Yak - I know how that feels; not sick enough to collapse into bed but also not well to be really functional. Swear on ginger and honey as well - calms down my stomach at the same time (other weak spot). Have you tried saline solution douche for you nose? It's not the most pleasant thing to do but it helps me. I do it a few times a week even when not really congested and it helps as it washes out culprits you pick up cruises the streets of NYC. My physician back home is open to alternate medicine so he recommended like 2-3 zinc-containing treatments a year that supports overall immune system - I was a little suspect first but it works for me. Not sure what if you could get similar supplement here in US (it is different from just the multi-vitamins) as I always get it from Germany. It's a supportive treatment that is much softer than antibiotics which ones you have a real bacterial infection cannot avoid (I tried and the result was not pretty). In any case I hope that you feel a lot better soon and especially your little one too!
Love all your gifts - let me know how you like the books; they are on my short-wishlist.
Hope your fam all feels better soon. There's some yucky crud going around this winter!
I love that lens cup! What wonderful gifts you received :) I would be petting that yarn every time I walked by it too :)
I am so sorry. It's really miserable when the care-giver needs care, too, isn't it? Hope you're all better real soon. Try to rest as much as you can, that's the best medicine of all!
Aw poor guys. Hope you all feel better and stay better.
That mug is awesome!!
Sorry to hear you are sick and I hope you feel better very soon!
I love that mug and totally need one too. Awesome idea.
Sorry to hear that you are not feeling well. I love the mug and that yarn, oh my... just what the doctor ordered. Take care of yourself and family. Hope you all feel better soon.
Sorry to hear you've all been sick, hope you feel better.
Lovely presents, I have a friend that would love the Lens mug :)
Grump. I hope everyone is recovering. Keep looking at that beautiful purple yarn--that would definitely cheer me up.
Oh I love your mug and your yarn and your drinkie. Although I don't want to have a cold just to justify it.
I got Modern Top-Down Knitting for Christmas so I'm interested to see what you decide to knit. I like the arm-warmers and the cute beret and probably ALL the dresses...
Hope you're feeling better as I type this!
Sounds rough. Especially hard taking care of your baby when you are sick as well. I sure hope you are all feeling better soon!
I had to have a new year do-over for different reasons, but I hope that this week is off to a brand new start. I love the Tasmanian honey, and I must check out that baking book you got!
Oh, that sounds so miserable, I hope you are feeling better by now. The mug is so cute and unique and that yarn!!!! how gorgeous!!
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