What have I been up to since I last posted?
1. I read a lot during my illness. When you can't breathe at night, you can't really sleep. I managed to read 3 books: Snow Flower and the Secret Fan, Dragon Bones and Petals From the Sky. That's a lot more reading than I have done in the last 6 months. They were very interesting reads. I learned a lot more about my Chinese culture (good and bad) and about Buddhism.
2. Knitting, but nothing that I can show because it's for Knitscene. This week, I hope to wrap things up and send it off by Monday.
3. Worked on more knitting pattern proposals, 3 to be exact. Now, I am playing the waiting game to hear back.
4. Started potty training Melody last week. We started on Wednesday and it has been very successful. Previously, I had tried when she turned 2 yrs old and it was going okay. I only tried for a week before giving up because we both got really sick (I had the flu). Through out the year, I have made small attempts, but never seriously.
Two weeks ago, I started again, but that was when we both got sick. This time, I started again as soon as she got better. It's very interesting to see what a difference turning 3 yrs old has been. She is older and can understand so much now. She pretty much got the concept down after 1 afternoon. She is basically diaper free except for nap time and night time. We also have to work on the potty thing when we go out. We stayed inside for 3 days last week during the training period and she went pantless around the house. We went out on Saturday and I couldn't convince her to use the public bathrooms at restaurants or stores. I think it kinda scared her. She would say yes about wanting to use the potty, but she would change her mind when I brought her into the bathroom. I am not going to push it. She is doing very well for someone who just started last Wednesday.
5. I also have been trying to get more organized. I ordered this mini binder (the mixed medium one) and it arrived over the weekend. I am in the process of filling it up with a DIY Planner and Calendar that you print yourself. I like that I can always print more pages whenever I need it and I can use it year after year.
I came upon this poster from a friend on Facebook.

So glad you're feeling better! Love that poster... PERFECT.
I love that poster!! It's exactly what I need to keep in mind. Slowly but surely I've been doing things. :)
I'm glad you're all feeling better. I know too well the misery of either not sleeping because I'm sick or because a child is.
Good luck with the knitting proposals! I'm getting back into podcasting and I'd like to mention you during one of my episodes.
Oh no, sorry that you suffer so, but I'm glad to hear you've finally turned the corner and are mostly better now!
Sounds like a lot of exciting things are on the horizon.. I can't wait to hear more details about all of them. :)
Good reminder, and good to remember that we are always doing things (even if they're not the ones we had planned). So glad you're feeling better now and congrats on the potty training - always a wonderful thing to have accomplished! Yay!!!!
Glad to hear you're feeling better, I was wondering how you were.
Melody sounds like she's doing well with the potty training, she'll be in big girl pants in no time :)
Glad you're on the mend - it really sucks when it takes so long to recover! Great poster too!
Hope you are feeling better, I was sick for most of december, just a neverending cold.
That planner was pretty, I'm also trying to get things organised. :)
I have so much to comment on in this post! First, I'm glad that you're feeling better. Second, GO MELODY!! You know my views on potty training so I am glad when anyone has success with it, lol.
Third, you are a knit design dynamo! Fourth, I wish I had seen that planner before I ordered my moleskine :(
And last, I MUST HAVE THAT PRINT! What an awesome way of looking at things!
Wow, 4 weeks is too long! Glad you're better and look forward to seeing your designs and FO's.
Oh girl, I can't believe you were sick for that long! That's such a bummer. At least you're over it now, glad to hear.
I love love love that poster! So great!
Darn Angela...I had no idea you were ill, but I'm so happy to hear you are improving!!!!
I LOVE your designs and can hardly wait to see what turns up in Knitscene...how exciting!!
Well done on training Melody!! It's been my experience that you won't be successful until the child is ready her/himself. How wonderful it only took an afternoon to get as far as you did. My oldest daughter was the same way with public facilities. She's 36 now and still has issues with them. I can't say I blame her much, as I'm not overly fond of them either! :=)
So glad to see you back!!!!
Glad to hear you are feeling better. Man, the ick sure has been going around and hanging around for waaay to long!
I'm excited to see what you are designing for Knitscene - love that magazine! You proposals sound so exciting too.
Happy belated Bday to Melody!!! Three already, Man! Gosh, and potty training. My baby will be 2 soon and the idea of potty training freaks me out!
Love the poster!
Glad you're feeling better. Go, Melody! She'll do it eventually when she really has to go while you're out. Love the poster!
congrats to M! tell her i said so, that's a huge leap! love Lisa See, not read Dragon Bones though. looking forward to seeing all the designs in print!
That's a long time to be sick. Glad you're feeling better. Love that sign - so true!
I LOVE the poster, must order one immediately and hang it above my desk.
Many many congratulations about the potty training. What a big milestone! And I need that poster. One. Two. Or more.
This poster is perfect in every way. I think I need to get one for myself because I get bogged down sometimes as well!
I am so sorry you were sick for so long. I truly hope you are feeling much better now.
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