Finished! All 42 squares seamed together, and about a million ends woven in. Seriously, if you hate weaving in ends, this may make you go crazy. On 9 of the blocks, I used 2 colors so that meant even more ends to weave in afterward.

All that work was completely worth it. It came out even better than I imagined. The blanket is light and warm. Perfect for a car seat or stroller blanket. I am amazed at how small and thin it folds up, especially since it's made with worsted weight yarn.

After all the ends were woven in, I crocheted a edging around the blanket. I love the little decorative detail that the Crab Stitch gives to the blanket.

When the whole blanket was completed, I gave it a good long soak with
Soak. I lightly pinned it down to block it. It practically took no time to dry at all.

I have to say that I have fallen in love with weaving and woven fabrics after making this blanket. Maybe even a little obsessed. But that is the way I am about any craft I fall in love with. I immerse myself and try to learn as much about it as I can.

DH has suggested several times that I keep the blanket. Probably because he has witnessed me labor over this blanket lovingly and non-stop. Melody has grown quite fond of it, too. But, no it's going to be gifted to a new mother-to-be. Besides, I am already planning the next blanket.
Pattern: All the squares are woven with the regular directions (plain weave) of a Weave-It style loom.
Loom: Arbor Loom 4" X 4"
Yarn: 1 skein each of Plymouth Yarn Encore Worsted in colors: Turquoise (1317) and Gold (1310)
Blanket Edging: I used a US G/ 4mm hook to crochet a row of Single Crochet around the blanket and then finished it off with a round of Crab Stitch (aka Reverse Single Crochet).
Size: 24" X 28"
21 Turquoise Squares
12 Gold Squares
9 Multi-colored Squares (woven with both colors)
Wow, you are a true friend to give away something you worked on so long and hard! It is beautiful like all your projects!!
What a lovely gift. The colors are perfect for spring!
It's fantastic. And I can see why you are encouraged to explore weaving. You have me searching Ebay for one of these little looms, thankyouverymuch.
This is BREATHTAKINGLY beautiful. I cant get over it. I am so bringing my loom today. And you bring that blanket. I want to see it in person.
It turned out great! Love the crochet edging, it's perfect for the blanket.
Nicely done! And I can vouch for the obsession. I just hope this so-called mother-to-be appreciates all of your efforts!
Wow! Awesome blanket...love all the special details! I won't be attempting anything like this since I hate weaving in ends ;)
What a lovely blanket - lucky mother-to-be!
Now I need to get my hands on a little loom.....
Thanks so much for the website, Oiyi!
That is so pretty! I'm looking forward to seeing your next woven project.
That is amazing! It turned out beautiful and all your hard work is sure to be appreciated by the recipient.
Wow! That is just gorgeous. What an amazing and thoughtful gift!
It looks lovely =D
I'm so impressed! You have so much more patience than I do.
It's beautiful!! You are very kind to be willing to part with it. Yup, I would have gone crazy. I hate seaming *and* I hate weaving in ends.
It is gorgeous. So much so that I could not part with it.
Congrats on your finish--it's beautiful! I really wanted to try this technique when I saw the issue of Piecework that featured it. It's great to see how lovely yours turned out!
it's absolutely gorgeous!
Everyone is right - it's a beautiful piece of art in blanket form. How wonderful to be able to produce things like this. Looking forward to seeing the next piece!
It looks fantastic! You made it so quickly too. Are you going to make Melody one since she loved it so much.
Beautiful (as always). It's amazing-- you can really see how lovely it drapes in these photos. Just beautiful!
You have really done a beautiful job on that blanket. The extra time you took to do the crochet border just "makes" it!
Beauty! I would have never chosen those colors, but wow, do they really work together or what?! :)
....beautiful :)
You are truly amazing,so good at what you do... what a beautiful blanket and love the yellow color, it is so cheery!
I love the citrusy colors! but omg that's a lot of ends to weave.
it came out so great, I can't believe you're giving it away! of course, now I'm curious about weaving. do I need another hobby?
It is amazing - what a very nice friend you are to give something this gorgeous - I'm sure she will love it. And can't wait to see the next one you do!
this is so pretty! I tried out my first square on Friday night but I messed something up on it...but I am now in awe about how much time and work went into this afghan. You're a weaving pro!
So so nice. I love the yellow and blue together, and the squares where the two colors are woven together add the perfect contrast to the other two.
What a great idea! And beautiful colours.
hi.I liked it very very much.but I think I can't stand to do this.it wants to patience.
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