We are throwing her a birthday party this Saturday. My sister will be arriving from Boston tonight, so we will have 2 days to prepare for the party. We finalized the menu yesterday through emails and phone calls. She ordered the party decorations online and it should be arriving today. Thank goodness for her help. I admit that I am a bundle of nerves right now. There will plenty of baking and cooking to do, so I am glad to have some help.
Plus, she has her 12 month doctor's appointment tomorrow morning which I am not looking forward to. She has to have her blood drawn and I doubt that she will like it at all. DH keeps reassuring me that it will be fine and that they know what they are doing. Normally, she hates going to the doctor's and can be quite the handful when she starts crying, so this is going to be worse.

Many Happy Returns of the day Miss Melody!
The doctor's office is just no fun until those immunizations really taper off. We had much screaming and thrashing about for quite some time. It didn't help that Daniel had to have allergy shots starting at 18 months. Hopefully they'll be mercifully quick at your appointment tomorrow.
I'm sure the birthday celebrations will be amazing and can't wait to hear about them.
Happy Birthday Melody!!
It seems like just yesterday you were pregnant and knitting tons of cute sweaters for her. I can't believe she's already 1!
Love the pictures with her and the rocker and that's so cute that she's saying butt instead of buttercup :)
Good luck with the party and the drs appt.
Happy Birthday Melody!!
I cannot believe she is one. She has grown into SUCH a cutie pie! I love that she's saying butt.
Happy 1st birthday!!!! She is a beautiful little girl!!! Have a wonderful celebration!
Oh oh oh oh oh ... I love that rocker! If there is no photo comparison, it's hard to recall how much she has grown! Hooray to photos!
Congratulations on your little Melody's very first birthday! I hope she had a funny day and that the party you are throwing her will be wonderful. It sure sounds nice :0)
I always get surprised about how much babies grow over their year - and that goes for your daughter too! She looks so sweet and pretty in the pictures :0)
Happy Birhday to Melody! The time really does fly~ and her cow rocker is adorable!
Good luck at the dr, that's never fun at her age.
Happy 1st birthday Melody!
I love the name Buttercup.
And I adore the 2 photos of Melody with her stuffed animals. It should be an annual thing.
Have a wonderful birthday celebration!
Happy Birthday Melody! My how time flies! We're celebrating Evie's 1st birthday this Saturday too!
Love that cow rocker! Evie got a zebra riding jumpy thing, and she doesn't show too much interest in it either....although I think I like your cow rocker more!
Good luck at the doctors. I know how that is like! =)
She just gets cuter by the day! Happy birthday Melody. And good luck with the cake, I'm sure it will be adorable!
I can't believe she is one already! I was quite surprised to see this.
Happy Birthday Melody!!! Your cuter than ever!
and I'm sure you'll like cake :)
Happy birthday, Miss Melody! One year older, one year cuter.
Happy Birthday Melody! My how time flies. Peace and Blessings to you.
Isn't it the best feeling in the world when they start to understand you more?
Oh! She is so cute! Happy Happy Birthday!!!!!!! One year. Man, the year flew by.
Happy 1st Birthday to Miss Adorable Melody`~!@!*
Does she know the route to the doctor's and throw a fit en route yet? My goddaughter started doing that around Melody's age.
Happy 1ST Birthday Melody!!!!! Hope you enjoy your cake and your big party :)
OMG...that cow rocker is totally awesome. Go sis!
Happy birthday Melody! One year old already, huh? I have a feeling you are going to LOVE cake.
Too cute!
Happy Birthday!
Happy Birthday Melody! (I can't believe she's one either!) She keeps on getting cuter.
Happy birthday to Melody and to you too, Melody's mummy !!
I will always says Thank You to my mum on my birthday, so does Jayne.
P.S. No change in Melody looks from the 2 photos.
Happy birthday to Melody! It's hard to believe that an entire year has passed already. She's grown so much (and is cuter every day)!
I hope the appointment went well. And I love the rocking cow!
Happy Birthday Melody!!!
She's grown so much.
Happy Birthday Melody!!
Where did the year go? It kinda scares me...
Great photos! Thank you so much for sharing your precious bundle with us!! Happy 1st Birthday!!!
Awww... happy belated b-day melody!! even though she's grown so much, one thing hasn't changed... she's ADORABLE!
Congratulations! She's a beauty that's for sure. I love the Buttercup story. LOL!
Happy birthday to your gorgeous little Melody!!! Good luck at the doctors and all the best with the party preperations... Can't wait to see some pics of all the delicious food that you and your sister whip up..
Jodie :)
Happy Birthday! I hope she enjoys her first birthday party!
Happy B Day to little one! I did get your block- I just haven't taken a newer photo (this photo is older) with all the blocks in it yet. I will take a new photo soon!
happy birthday dear sweet melody!
oh how we've loved watching you grow..you are soooo cute!
hope you get some cake!
Happy Birthday cutie!!
It's amazing how quickly time goes isn't it? Happy birthday Melody! She is still beautiful and such a cutie pie. Buttercup is gonna be a big hit when she's a little bigger :)
Happy Birthday Melody!
Wow! It is almost unbelievable that it's been a whole year since Melody made her grand entrance into the world. And how we've enjoyed watching her adventures since them. I LOVE that cow rocker, too! Happy Birthday Melody!!!
Happy Birthday to her. She's the most darling baby. You are very blessed.
Happy Birthday to Melody (a few days late). I hope the party was a huge success and that you didn't have to work too hard, looking forward to hearing about it.
Happy belated birthday to Melody! How did she do with the blood test? The nurses had a really really hard time finding Elenoa's veing so she had about 3 people in there and ended up with bruising anyway. Not a fun time. Hopefully Melody got through it better off.
Happy Birthday, Melody! (and Happy New Year to all of you!)
The restaged photo is a great way to show her growth. I love the rocking cow :)
Happy Birthday Melody! She's grown so much.
Happy birthday to your little miss! She is a cutie pie!
Time passes too quickly with kids. It seems that you go to bed one night and the next day you wake up and they are grown. yikes!
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