We are finally home! There is nothing like sleeping in your own bed. I am trying to catch up on all the lost sleep while I was away. Here are some highlights of Melody's First Christmas.

Lucky Melody got to celebrate 3 Christmases for her first Christmas. First up was Christmas at my mother's house. We arrived on Friday night from NYC and stayed there for 3 nights. My mother made us a delicious lunch featuring all of our favorite Chinese dishes. On Sunday, we opened presents and took my mom out for a early birthday dinner. Her birthday is Christmas Eve. Since it snowed again on Sunday and didn't stop, a lot of restaurants closed early. We had to cancel our original plans and went to a place nearby. When we arrived, there was no one there except the staff. We were worried they were not going to serve us. We got there just in time, since the wait staff had their coats on and was about to leave. We got top notch service that night since there was no one else in the restaurant.
Melody behaved herself at the restaurant, but wouldn't stop crying in the car on the way back to my mom's house. She was basically cranky that whole weekend.

I gave my mom the Clapotis Scarf I started last year for her. I finished it up in November. It took no time to finish it and I am wondering why I always drop projects right before they could be finished. I soaked and blocked it the day before I had to leave so there are no other photos. I had to place a fan in front of it to speed the drying process. This scarf is so soft. If you ever have a chance to try this yarn, please do.
Drop Scarf (This free pattern is a scarf-sized version of the famous
Needles: US 9 / 5.5 mm
Yarn: Brooks Farm Solana, 1 skeins = 320.0 yards (292.6m)
My sister waited until Christmas night to exchange gifts with us. We left my mom's on Monday and stayed the the rest of the week at DH's brother's house.

This is the 3 year scarf that I have been working on for my sister. It has reincarnated itself into different patterns for the past 3 years until I settled on Maryse's
Gathered Scarf pattern.

It was funny seeing my sister's expression when she opened it and saw her long-awaited pink scarf.
Gathered Scarf (free pattern)
Needles: US 4 / 3.5 mm and US 7 / 4.5 mm
Yarn: Fable Handknit Pure Baby Alpaca, 4 skeins of Peach
To make up for being so late with my sister's scarf, I knitted her another one.

I had bought this yarn last year intending to make her something, so I was excited when I found this pattern. I held the yarn doubled and was worried that I would not have enough yarn, but it worked out and I have a few yards left, so it was plenty. I love knitting with this yarn. The scarf is soft, but it was even softer after soaking and blocking.
Anthro-Inspired Scarflet(Ravelry link to free PDF pattern)
Yarn: Blue Sky Alpacas Sport Weight, 2 skeins of Natural Light Grey 009. Yarn is held doubled.
Needles: US 9 / 5.5 mm
I must have been a good girl this year. Look at what my sister and her boyfriend, Scott, got me!!!! The
Addi Click set!

I screamed pretty loudly when I opened it. The rest of family just didn't understand what I was so excited about, especially my in-laws. My MIL only knits with straight needles and didn't know that you could knit flat with circulars. I showed it to her and explained, but I don't think she was too impressed. THANK YOU SO MUCH, Jo and Scott. You guys are the best!

Surprisingly, the case is much bigger than I thought it would be, huge actually. Perhaps that's why I was so surprised when I opened it. I had no clue what it was until I read the box. The case is not something you want to lug around in your knitting bag because it would take up the whole bag.
On a side note, my sister bought it at
Paradise Fibers and said that they had good customer service. When she received it, the case was badly damaged and she contacted them. They quickly sent her a replacement case. She thought that she would have to give me the damaged case, but replacement arrived before Christmas.
That's it for now. Melody got many amazing toys for Christmas, but I will save that for another day.
Even though it sounds as if you and your family had some wonderful days during Christmas, I do agree with the fact that home is great - especially to slep in your own bed :0)
LUCKY you to get those ADDI needles. I would love those too - I have to tell my husband that ;0) And lucky you to have such a cute little Santa whom I saw in your other post :0))
Have a happy New Year :0)
You had a fun time! Hope you are getting enough sleep.
Lovely scarves. You finished the pink one! And congratulations on the Addis. I envy you.
Lucky you getting such a wonderful gift from your sis. Only knitters understand those things I guess. Your sister and mum look like they enjoyed the gifts you made them too. I really enjoyed making the gathered scarf too, although it didnt take me as long to knit up.
ohhhh busy days!!! wow your mum looks young and the scarves look lovely too!
now about my blog, I bought a premade design from delicious designs (the link is at bottom of my blog) and I installed myself and changed the header by using photoshop (I downloaded a free 30 day trial)....I have no technical ability at all so I'm glad it all worked out in the end! I used a font called CACpinafore which is just lovely!
Ahhh, it's always good to come home to your own bed. I would have screamed over those addi clicks, too, what a neat gift!! Your 3 scarves are just lovely.
All the scarves are so lovely to look at.
Hope you have a nice New Years.
Welcome home! The scarves are all lovely!
Welcome back! All of your scarves are so pretty! I will have to try out that Brooks farm yarn when I get a chance. And you are so lucky to have received the addi click set. Have fun with it and make sure to let us know how you like it :)
Wow! Addi click? I didn't even know such a marvel existed! I got the Knit Denise set several years ago when I first started knitting but had a lot of issues with the system.
You're right about the bed...I was really, really sad to leave Seattle but about the only thing I can say I really missed in Chicago was my bed. I hope you're catching up on sleep!
You are so right ... even the king's bed can't beat your own bed! LOL!
Your mom! She is gorgeous! In the photo with your sister, she looks like another sister!
How do you like the Addi set? It is too too expensive for me ... and I don't really need another interchangeable set anyway. :)
Wish you and yours a Happy and Peaceful New Year.
Now that you are back in your own bed I hope that you are getting enough sleep! Nice Addi set! You have been good! Love your scarves! Can't wait to see Melody and her new toys!
OMG OMG OMG. It's the best story of Xmas Karma, EVER. You knit everyone gifts, you get gifted with THE BEST SET OF NEEDLES. (ok, I don't know that, but can't wait to hear from you about them).
You family is so cute. No wonder Melody is so adorable!!
I want the Addi Click set and until reading this I didn't even know it existed. I'm really falling out of the loop huh?
Oh! And your mom and I share a birthday :o)
I got weighed down with car insurance stuff today but am DETERMINED to get to the post office tomorrow.
Sounds like a lovely holiday - Melody is just so cute in that Santa outfit (previous post)! Love all the scarves, I have a few I am working on, I get bored doing the same pattern for that long, my hubby's October birthday scarf is still not done, but I am on the third and final skein. Love the knitting needle set, you ARE a lucky girl, what a perfect gift for you.
All of those scarves are beautiful! I especially like the colors in the Clapotis.
What a generous gift from your sis and her bf!
SO fun! You and your sister are so cute! Miss Melody is getting REALLY big.
What beautiful scarves! They look like wonderful gifts, especially with the flurries we're expecting soon...
Gorgeous scarves - and very nice gifts! The Addi set looks amazing - can't wait to here how you like it. Happy New Year!
Congrats on finishing the sister scarf!!! Everything else turned out great, too :)
I totally agree with you about home, there's nothing the same as sleeping in your own bed!
Hey! Just wanted to let you know I tagged you for 6 facts about yourself, you can see more at my blog, hope you don't mind. Happy New Year!
Happy New Year! Such beautiful gifts you knit everyone :) and such a fantastic gift of needles you received :D
What beautiful scarves. I especially love the clapotis and will certainly check out that yarn.
I'd love to hear what you think of the Addi Clicks. I'm seriously tempted.
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